Science: COVID-19 Vaccine Issues and New Poll Part VI

What is your vaccine status?

  • Fully Vaccinated or have received all the recommended doses

    Votes: 27 90.0%
  • Partially Vaccinated

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • First Vaccination Scheduled

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm Hesitant (please leave a comment)

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I'd rather take my chances with the disease AMA of every legitimate entity in the world

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
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TideFans Legend
May 25, 2003
Mountainous Northern California
The only case that they ruled on that I'm familiar with is that schools, states, and private business have the right to say if you want to be under their employee or attend (students) then x vaccine is required. That's a darn long shot from saying that the state of Kansas can say, " have an address here. Get vaccinated or else" aka mandatory vaccination for private citizens. Please send/ post a link if there is another ruling where they said the latter.



Aug 14, 2012
That's legit. The state of Massachusetts required it on 1905 with smallpox. Precedence has been set per that ruling.

I guess it works both ways though, as 11 states have also passed legislation against mandate of vaccination. And this ruling was for states right to enforce such measures, not the federal govt.



Hall of Fame
May 13, 2009
Mobile, AL
This all has me furious..... absolutely frothing at the mouth FURIOUS.

I hate these people at this point..... I HATE them for all their willful stubborn, selfish, and ignorant ways.

and.... in case the anti-vaxxers that lurk here can't quite comprehend why??

12% of Covid patients who are hospitalized in Alabama have had the Vaccine.... that's roughly 1out of 10 for the mathematically challenged.

But 88% (roughly 9 out of 10) of Covid patients who are hospitalized are these Jacklegs who REFUSE to get the Vaccine.

So largely because of the 90% of Anti-Vax Morons...... 99.999999999% of the ICU beds in the ENTIRE STATE OF ALABAMA are occupied.

That means that there are TWO beds left in the ENTIRE STATE OF ALABAMA for anyone with any other kind of Health Emergency.

The Elderly, Children (and especially Children who are too young to be allowed to take the Vaccine), Immune system compromised..... and well..... any and every one with some kind of Life Threating affliction is SCREWED because of these Anti-Vax IDIOTS and their incredibly Selfish and outright IGNORANT choices and actions because their #1 Goal in life is not protecting their Family or Loved Ones, or even their fellow Human beings they live amongst....

No.....Their #1 Goal is to hide behind a Deceitful narrative of 'Freedom of Choice" preservation and concern of being 'unsure' of the health risk the Vaccine poses vs Covid 19 itself despite the MOUNTAINS of Medical Evidence CLEARLY showing that it is INCREDIBLY MORE dangerous and risky to NOT get the Vaccine.....

They are KILLING INNOCENTS every single day by the Hundreds and it will soon be by the 1,000's.

My empathy for these people is GONE at this point.


Hall of Fame
Aug 14, 2002
Birmingham & Warner Robins

“What does work is the vaccine,” Sorrell said. “That seems to work. Not perfectly; I know people right now that got the vaccine that got corona. But it works better than not getting the vaccine.

“So, why don’t we work on the stuff that works? I’m not for vaccine mandates, not at all. But why don’t we encourage people to get the vaccine, something that works.”
You think it might be because you jackholes are throwing up every conceivable roadblock to anything the state might do to address the pandemic, you disingenuous pratt?!?!



TideFans Legend
Mar 31, 2000

You think it might be because you jackholes are throwing up every conceivable roadblock to anything the state might do to address the pandemic, you disingenuous pratt?!?!

What this reminds me of - but Covid, of course, is far less humorous because it affects real lives- is when Ed Rollins was trying to run Perot's campaign in 1992. Over and over, Perot's lifelong underlings would resist everything Rollins proposed, saying, "But that sounds like a conventional campaign, and we're doing something different." Rollins would explain the need for it, and they'd say, "Well, there's got to be a different way." When Rollins asked them what that was, not one of them had the first damn clue. Right before Perot jumped overboard and ended the campaign that summer, some people in the office absolutely BEGGED Rollins to "give just one more plan to Perot."

So he did.

And that's when he decided to quit but got fired first.

But just remember - these are people whose retirement plan is buying baseball cards and commemorative plates of Elvis and Dale Earnhardt along with playing lotto.


TideFans Legend
May 25, 2003
Mountainous Northern California


TideFans Legend
May 25, 2003
Mountainous Northern California


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Staff member
Oct 13, 1999
Huntsville, AL,USA
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