In the movie “Teachers” (yeah I’m old) starring Nick Nolte and Mary Beth Williams, they both play teachers in a high school with general apathy and truancy by many of the students. In the final scene, one of the students pulls a fire alarm and the students go spilling out of the school.
Mary Beth Williams character is laughing and Nolte basically asks “Why are we doing this? And she responds “because of them”.
Nolte says “Hell half of them aren’t coming back” and Williams responds “Yeah but half of them WILL. We aren’t here for the ones that don’t come back. We ARE here for the ones that DO…”
Championships and Playoffs be damned. If we get there, so be it. We may be relegated to mid tier or suffer though a bunch seasons like the one we just experienced . But If you don’t want to be here and everything is about the “coin”, then don’t let “the door hit ya where the good lord split ya”. Be gone!
I am here for the ones that stay, the ones that love the University, and play not just for themselves but all those teammates around them.
The rest can just go….