My Analysis and Predictions


1st Team
Jun 28, 2001
Montgomery, Al U.S.A.
Back in 1962-63, not only was our D-Line lean, but the O-Line was as well, as I recall. THe press gave us no chance, but Bama won the NC in the early 60's without bulk on the line. Of course, those were the days before the lineman became big and fast.

Many don't give us much a chance, but I imagine that we will do fine as long as we can create tackling opportunities for the linebackers and get pressure on the QB with the outside guys.

As you recall, Bama didn't really sack the QB much last year and I don't believe that the DL made a huge amount of tackles. The best way to compare the D last year is to compare position by position what we lost with what we have this year. I would say that we might be a little bit behind last year's D in personnel, but not much.

I look for a big increase in QB hurries and sacks. I think that the DB's will improve. The LB's should compare favorably with last year's group. That only leaves the interior line as a real question, but they should do a decent job.

What I am saying is that the D this year + the O this year will be significantly better than the team last year with a more favorable schedule. Of course Vandy will be tougher and on the road, Arkansas, Georgia, and FSU will be real tough games back-to-back-back. Ole Miss, Miss. State, and Aub will all be on the road and will be worthy opponents. I like our chances with LSU and UT at home.

What we see is a pretty tough SEC schedule, as usual. I really think our D will be tough enough to slow most of our opponents. Our O should not be slowed by anyone. This could lead to early success for our team. Of course, injuries and inexperience can rear their neck at any time and cause us trouble.
Will we win 7,8,9, or 10 or more? No one really has more than a guess. But here's what I fully believe we will see:

1) A fired up team every game.

2) Consistent effort by all players.

3) A definite home field advantage.

4) Exciting offense and special teams.

5) A D that fights every down.

6) A team that will grow and improve from any loss and steadily improve every week.


1) Toughest games - Vandy, Georgia, and LSU.

2) Team(s) most likely to upset - Fl State, LSU, Auburn, UT

3) Team(s) that might have our number and upset us - Vandy

4) Record - 10 -3. L - Vandy, Fl State, LSU.

I think 10-3 will make us all happy but will likely leave us out of the SEC championship game.



Scout Team
Jan 2, 2007
I agree 100%, except for the Vandy thing, replace with Georgia. I have to believe that with an improved O and a very similar D we should have much better results. Think what our record should have been last year with just a little more O. The only game we were really outmatched for was LSU. We will be very good this year! I dont know if losing so many times late in games has affected the players to know how to close the deal? But either way it should amount to one extremely exciting year!
Roll Tide!:BigA:


Sep 15, 2003
The thing about football is how fluid the course of a season can be. A big win - or loss - early in the season can change the way the whole season plays out. Injuries can derail a season quickly. So preseason predictions are rarely accurate, but if I had to make a call right now I'd say 7-5 or 8-4. As a fan, I expect improvement but I don't think you should account for it in a prediction. Right now, this is a low-tier bowl team with a good offense. They could improve but they might simply get worse as the talent we face increases the further we get in the season.


Hall of Fame
Jul 31, 2007
While I think that Vandy has their best chance in a long time to pull off an upset with us putting in two new systems and them catching us very early in the season, not to mention being improved. I just don't see it.

I've seen Vandy fans on other sites going over all the reasons why they'll beat us, but their secondary is very suspect and our wide receivers are very unsuspect. They may give our defense fits, but I think we'll be tearing their defense up even worse.


Sep 24, 2004
Murfreesboro, TN
While I think that Vandy has their best chance in a long time to pull off an upset with us putting in two new systems and them catching us very early in the season, not to mention being improved. I just don't see it.

I've seen Vandy fans on other sites going over all the reasons why they'll beat us, but their secondary is very suspect and our wide receivers are very unsuspect. They may give our defense fits, but I think we'll be tearing their defense up even worse.
I've been thinking the same thing...the Vandy game concerns me. They usually play us tough at the beginning of the year when then haven't lost any players to injury. With Bama having a new system and a weaker D this could be the one year in 20 that Vandy gets a win. I will be there screaming my head off to help pull the Tide through.


Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, GA
The thing about football is how fluid the course of a season can be. A big win - or loss - early in the season can change the way the whole season plays out. Injuries can derail a season quickly. So preseason predictions are rarely accurate, but if I had to make a call right now I'd say 7-5 or 8-4. As a fan, I expect improvement but I don't think you should account for it in a prediction. Right now, this is a low-tier bowl team with a good offense. They could improve but they might simply get worse as the talent we face increases the further we get in the season.

With less talent and less desire to win than he has at Bama, Coach Saban has improved the win total by at least 3 games in the first year with EVERY team he has EVER coached, including the hapless Dolphins. Don't look for that to end this year. All he has to do to keep that going is not lose the 3 games Bama should have won last year. He inherited a 9-4 team which was coached down to a 6-7 record. He will coach it back up this year to at least a 9-4 record.


Dec 6, 2006
With less talent and less desire to win than he has at Bama, Coach Saban has improved the win total by at least 3 games in the first year with EVERY team he has EVER coached, including the hapless Dolphins. Don't look for that to end this year. All he has to do to keep that going is not lose the 3 games Bama should have won last year. He inherited a 9-4 team which was coached down to a 6-7 record. He will coach it back up this year to at least a 9-4 record.
That makes sense - I can believe that - I am trying to be realistic new coaches, new system - questionable defense...etc when I think that way it depresses me. So I will continue to be delusional....When do the SEC championship tickets go onsale :biggrin2:


Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, GA
That makes sense - I can believe that - I am trying to be realistic new coaches, new system - questionable defense...etc when I think that way it depresses me. So I will continue to be delusional....When do the SEC championship tickets go onsale :biggrin2:

9-4, not 12-2. That is next year. AND THEN 2009(look at the schedule if you doubt me) 14-0!!! NC number whatever they want to call it.


Oct 18, 1999
Birmingham, AL
If we lose to Vandy in the second game, it's gonna be a long, miserable year. We badly need to finish September no worse than 3-2.


Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, GA
If we lose to Vandy in the second game, it's gonna be a long, miserable year. We badly need to finish September no worse than 3-2.
My Grandson played Eeyore in a Winnie the Pooh play at his school this year. When I read your post I imagined it coming from the mouth of that character.

Bama is going to drag Vandy from one end of Nashville to the other this year. Bama is going to make a BIG statement in this game.
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1st Team
Oct 3, 2006
This is by no means a flame. I think you guys will have a tough year looking at your schedule. I have you losing to the following this year but being much better in the near future. But this years losses will be.


Aug 4, 2007
Cumming, GA
This is by no means a flame. I think you guys will have a tough year looking at your schedule. I have you losing to the following this year but being much better in the near future. But this years losses will be.
Have you read all of the posts in the thread?


1st Team
Oct 3, 2006
Have you read all of the posts in the thread?

Yes. Why?

I made a prediction. I think the Tide will be much improved from a discipline (on the field) stand point due to CNS. But I think the Def will be a major weakness until he gets the players in.


Sep 15, 2003
I think we're going to beat Arkansas, even despite our lack of depth and familiarity in the scheme on defense. Monk will either be out or hobbled. Arkansas is going to be so one-dimensional that I think our young defense will be able to load up against the run and force plenty of 3rd and long situations. Arkansas already couldn't handle our WRs last year, but this year they've lost their ends and some of their secondary. Plus, it's a home game. I expect Alabama to win by two TDs.

If you look at my previous post, I've not been a sunshine pumper...I'm a staunch realist. Reality is that Arkansas is about to implode and Alabama will be one of the last nails in the coffin.
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Oct 18, 1999
Birmingham, AL
My Grandson played Eeyore in a Winnie the Pooh play at his school this year. When I read your post I imagined it coming from the mouth of that character.

Bama is going to drag Vandy from one end of Nashville to the other this year. Bama is going to make a BIG statement in this game.
I think you misunderstood the intent of my post. The guy who started the thread predicted that we would lose to Vandy but then go on to have a big 10-win year. I was simply trying to take issue with him. I don't expect a loss to Vandy, but if we were to lose that one, I think we'll finish 6-6 or worse. - NEW Stuff!

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