I am ready for a minor league for the NFL


Jul 19, 2004
College football is quickly becoming less important to me, even my beloved Tide. I think with all that has transpired within college football recently something has to be done to save it from itself. If we could have some sort of minor league for the NFL. Players are drafted into the minor league straight out of high school. These players would obviously be your 5 star players and maybe some high end 4 star, so roughly the top 80 to 100 high school players each year. Obviously it would take several years to have enough players in the minors to field more than just a few teams. So possibly when it is first enacted freshman, sophmore and juniors in college could be eligible for the first draft. All players regardless of whether they are a senior in high schoo or in college would have to sign a legally binding agreement that if they were drafted into the minor league they would be obligated to go to that team and all draftees would get the same contract depending on what round(and where in that round) they are drafted. Also, those players in college that want to put their name in the barrell forfeit their chance to stay in the college ranks. So if they don't get drafted, they are done in college but can catch on in the CFL or other professional leagues other than the NFL. The NCAA would be disbanded and something new in its place that included no NIL, no paying of players other than the scholarship they get and no college free agency. In other words, back to sanity. Players who want to play college ball, date some girls, experience college life, get an education and maybe make it to the NFL. The NFL draft can still choose from players after their 3rd year out of high school. It just may be from the minor league or from the college ranks. At least the coaches in college could get back to coaching and being able to dicipline players without them being able to quit on the team and transfer out.


Hall of Fame
Aug 18, 2007
College football is quickly becoming less important to me, even my beloved Tide. I think with all that has transpired within college football recently something has to be done to save it from itself. If we could have some sort of minor league for the NFL. Players are drafted into the minor league straight out of high school. These players would obviously be your 5 star players and maybe some high end 4 star, so roughly the top 80 to 100 high school players each year. Obviously it would take several years to have enough players in the minors to field more than just a few teams. So possibly when it is first enacted freshman, sophmore and juniors in college could be eligible for the first draft. All players regardless of whether they are a senior in high schoo or in college would have to sign a legally binding agreement that if they were drafted into the minor league they would be obligated to go to that team and all draftees would get the same contract depending on what round(and where in that round) they are drafted. Also, those players in college that want to put their name in the barrell forfeit their chance to stay in the college ranks. So if they don't get drafted, they are done in college but can catch on in the CFL or other professional leagues other than the NFL. The NCAA would be disbanded and something new in its place that included no NIL, no paying of players other than the scholarship they get and no college free agency. In other words, back to sanity. Players who want to play college ball, date some girls, experience college life, get an education and maybe make it to the NFL. The NFL draft can still choose from players after their 3rd year out of high school. It just may be from the minor league or from the college ranks. At least the coaches in college could get back to coaching and being able to dicipline players without them being able to quit on the team and transfer out.
Problem is that (1) the NFL has no desire to support a minor league, which is why it has never existed, and (2) it doesn’t solve the pay for play/NIL issue because the Supreme Court basically ruled that amateur athletics is illegal. You would just be paying less talented guys. Although I’m not even sure that is true because the most talented guys would still make more money in college football with established programs with national fan bases than they would sweating through a minor league system.

But I totally get and am sympathetic to the sentiment!
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Nov 11, 2017
Do you watch minor league baseball/nhl/G league basketball? then you are one of a few....a minor league NFL would be the same...college football pulls in the crowds...just needs to get back to being about the team not the individuals...not an easy task but doable

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