Tommy Tuberville Might Be The Dumbest Senator

4Q Basket Case

FB|BB Moderator
Staff member
Nov 8, 2004
Couldn't decide if this was political or not. Went with politics, not football.

Michael Casagrande, a sportswriter for, torches Tuberville's hypocrisy regarding pay-for-play. I actually agree that pay-for-play has to be reformed, have worn my suggested solution into the ground, and won't get into that here.

Regardless, Tommy Tuberville is the wrong messenger.

The link below is a quick recap of Tuberville's respect for loyalty, binding contracts, and keeping promises. And none of this gets into his political forays -- like holding up promotions for the entire military unless there was a ban on transporting soldiers to get abortions.

The Birmingham News

Its On A Slab

Apr 18, 2018
Pyongyang, Democratic Republic of Korea
Couldn't decide if this was political or not. Went with politics, not football.

Michael Casagrande, a sportswriter for, torches Tuberville's hypocrisy regarding pay-for-play. I actually agree that pay-for-play has to be reformed, have worn my suggested solution into the ground, and won't get into that here.

Regardless, Tommy Tuberville is the wrong messenger.

The link below is a quick recap of Tuberville's respect for loyalty, binding contracts, and keeping promises. And none of this gets into his political forays -- like holding up promotions for the entire military unless there was a ban on transporting soldiers to get abortions.

The Birmingham News
This, from a guy who got up and left a recruit's dinner in Lubbock, caught a plane and accepted the Cincinatti job. Tommy Tubs has never been one to want to honor a signed contract.


Sep 2, 2004
I'll never understand why Alabama!!! fans (of all people), voted for this pile of ignorance, hypocrisy, and lies over a VERY effective Senator Doug Jones. And, I know it was Alabama fans who put him in office since there are 2.3 times more Alabama fans than Auburn fans in the state.

Here's all you need to know about him when he said this last November: “I’m a football coach,” Tuberville said. “I’m not a lawyer.”
You hire lawyers to tell you what the laws are. It's not even hard.


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Oct 13, 1999
Huntsville, AL,USA
Pine box and all that.
Actually, I happened into the middle of that. We were using Tuberville's attorney for another matter and were in the middle of a trial rehearsal. He got a call and said he had to leave, immediately. When I asked, sotto voce, what was up, his only reply was it involved Coach. The next day, the departure was announced and largely accomplished, including taking all the playbooks (he staff went with him to AU), which he had to return, since the were UM work product...

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