I'm too busy! Make it stop! Make it stop!


Hall of Fame
Aug 22, 2001
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Well, I’ve been back from vacation a little over a month, and I’m still going nonstop to try to catch up. At my job, we are having ongoing IT issues. It’s usually bad – not having access to one system or another for hours every day. Currently, one or multiple systems are down for days at a time. Not once since I’ve been back have all systems worked at the same time. It’s turned a clunky, disjointed contracting process into a nigh-impossible endeavor. Hence the working nights and weekends just to keep from getting too far behind. Got to love the government! :rolleyes:

Beyond the normal work nonsense that soaks up so much time, my wife and I ended up overbooking our off time. Admittedly, we do this far too often. I’m in the process of buying and selling nine properties. The first eight I have been working on my own and should close in a week or two. Then, a week ago Sunday, my wife noticed a bungalow-style house just off the town center of our community. We came close to buying in this neighborhood a couple of years ago, but the demand was so high that prices exceeded what we were willing to (over)pay. Nothing has been available since. Until the Sunday before last. We made an offer on the house that Monday, and it was accepted last Tuesday. We’re scheduled to close this coming Monday. The previous owners turned the third bedroom into an office – knocked down a couple of walls, removed the closet, installed cabinetry. We’ll put everything back the way it was originally. I’m trying to decide if I have the desire (um, nope) or time (definitely nope) to do the work myself or if I’ll hire someone to do it. 🤔

At our commercial property, I recently finished subdividing a large vacant office space to turn it back into two decent-sized units per the original plan. Both of these units will soon have tenants. So, in a few days, the building will be fully rented out and everyone is under contract for at least the next two years. 💰

Can’t have the good without the bad, unfortunately. We’ve had instances where some jackass is using the building’s dumpster to dispose of his construction waste – so much so that the dumpster has overflowed a couple of times. Taking something that’s not yours is stealing, and that entitlement mentality is far too prevalent today. I had security cameras installed (an unnecessary expense), so we should be able to identify the thief should he visit again. :mad:

I am also involved in two lawsuits. Both are stupid, but one particularly so. Some advice to wanna-be white-collar thieves out there. If you are going to embezzle money, be a little bit creative about it. If you withdraw millions of dollars from a group investment account, deposit it into your personal account, and leave town, you have essentially confessed to the crime. That you fled town but not the country just means that you’re doubly stupid. (Running off to the next county over is hardly out of reach of the legal system.) The fool has about 10 people (including me) suing him, and the police are involved. :mad:

We’ve been trying to schedule the last bit of landscaping at our house for months but can never coordinate our schedules with the landscaper. That has to sync up at some point – hopefully, by the end of May. On one side of our house, Lan has several raised veggie beds that have been noticed by the local deer. Now my wife is torn because she likes deer but doesn't want to share her food with them. Actually, there's very little sharing; they are eating nearly everything. :LOL:

My Mom has been acting up regularly the last couple of weeks at her memory care community. She will never be satisfied with anything and refuses to realize just how good she has it. All her needs are provided, and she has no alternative accommodation-wise. She has long since been unable to take care of herself. Yet lately she has been very combative with the staff and other residents. I visit her weekly, and more than that the last month. I can reason with her at the time of my visit, but with her lack of memory she goes right back to the ridiculous behavior in no time. It’s as if there is no point in me visiting with her anymore. 😩

My two brothers, who I’ve provided personal and business finance advice to in recent years, had dug themselves out of the debt hole. Well, now they are right back where they were a couple of years ago – behind on their income and property taxes, massive new car payments, and tens of thousands in high interest credit card debt. The idea of having any of those burdens makes me nauseous. All self-inflicted. Stupid! 🤦‍♂️

I have six nieces and nephews, and I have offered to help pay for their college. Three will start college this Fall and the other three are still a few years away. I have been investing money monthly for this effort for a couple of years. I want to be generous but not so much that I encourage bad behavior. I want to help pay for tuition and the like, not alcohol and other stupidity. 🙏

Had I known April was going to be such a busy month, I would have cancelled my DC trip earlier this week. I am a George Washinton Univ alum, and when I still lived in the area, I would regularly meet with old colleagues and be a guest lecturer in an economics course for their “government in economics” topic. I would talk about the government’s influence on markets and the effect of deficits, unintended consequences, opportunity costs, etc. on the economy. My trip this time had the bonus of wading through all the pro-Palestinian protesters. It’s really just a catch-all for a grievance against everything (the US, the West, capitalism, patriarchy, white privilege, etc.). It’s one big snowflake meltdown. These dumb kids (or, more accurately, their parents or taxpayers) sure do spend a lot of money on childish and profane behavior. I guess they should enjoy their bubble while they can. Hopefully, they’ll smarten up before venturing out into reality. Or don’t smarten up; I don’t care. All I know is that my daughter will not have to compete with these privileged knuckleheads in the job market.

So, I hope to get all caught up soon. Because in a month, the family will be spending three weeks in Vietnam. We’ve almost got everything planned out and booked. I think the only thing of substance to get are our visas. Should have those is a few days.

So, you guys busy? What is this “sleep” I keep hearing about?


Hall of Fame
Aug 22, 2001
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Then, a week ago Sunday, my wife noticed a bungalow-style house just off the town center of our community. We came close to buying in this neighborhood a couple of years ago, but the demand was so high that prices exceeded what we were willing to (over)pay. Nothing has been available since. Until the Sunday before last. We made an offer on the house that Monday, and it was accepted last Tuesday. We’re scheduled to close this coming Monday. The previous owners turned the third bedroom into an office – knocked down a couple of walls, removed the closet, installed cabinetry. We’ll put everything back the way it was originally. I’m trying to decide if I have the desire (um, nope) or time (definitely nope) to do the work myself or if I’ll hire someone to do it. 🤔
Closed on this house yesterday! (Two more closings are scheduled two and three weeks from now.) And I'm definitely planning to hire out the work to turn that office back in a bedroom. I keep saying that I already have a job and don't need another one. I'm going to hold myself to that resolution this time .... probably ... hopefully. :cautious:
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TideFans Legend
Oct 1, 2011
New Smyrna Beach, Florida
Closed on this house yesterday! (Two more closings are scheduled two and three weeks from now.) And I'm definitely planning to hire out the work to turn that office back in a bedroom. I keep saying that I already have a job and don't need another one. I'm going to hold myself to that resolution this time .... probably ... hopefully. :cautious:
Congrats, Bodhi!

Get the right people to do the job is the key there. Easier sounding than done, I know.

Keep chargin', my brother! ;)
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Hall of Fame
Feb 12, 2001
Charleston, South Carolina
Well, I’ve been back from vacation a little over a month, and I’m still going nonstop to try to catch up. At my job, we are having ongoing IT issues. It’s usually bad – not having access to one system or another for hours every day. Currently, one or multiple systems are down for days at a time. Not once since I’ve been back have all systems worked at the same time. It’s turned a clunky, disjointed contracting process into a nigh-impossible endeavor. Hence the working nights and weekends just to keep from getting too far behind. Got to love the government! :rolleyes:

Beyond the normal work nonsense that soaks up so much time, my wife and I ended up overbooking our off time. Admittedly, we do this far too often. I’m in the process of buying and selling nine properties. The first eight I have been working on my own and should close in a week or two. Then, a week ago Sunday, my wife noticed a bungalow-style house just off the town center of our community. We came close to buying in this neighborhood a couple of years ago, but the demand was so high that prices exceeded what we were willing to (over)pay. Nothing has been available since. Until the Sunday before last. We made an offer on the house that Monday, and it was accepted last Tuesday. We’re scheduled to close this coming Monday. The previous owners turned the third bedroom into an office – knocked down a couple of walls, removed the closet, installed cabinetry. We’ll put everything back the way it was originally. I’m trying to decide if I have the desire (um, nope) or time (definitely nope) to do the work myself or if I’ll hire someone to do it. 🤔

At our commercial property, I recently finished subdividing a large vacant office space to turn it back into two decent-sized units per the original plan. Both of these units will soon have tenants. So, in a few days, the building will be fully rented out and everyone is under contract for at least the next two years. 💰

Can’t have the good without the bad, unfortunately. We’ve had instances where some jackass is using the building’s dumpster to dispose of his construction waste – so much so that the dumpster has overflowed a couple of times. Taking something that’s not yours is stealing, and that entitlement mentality is far too prevalent today. I had security cameras installed (an unnecessary expense), so we should be able to identify the thief should he visit again. :mad:

I am also involved in two lawsuits. Both are stupid, but one particularly so. Some advice to wanna-be white-collar thieves out there. If you are going to embezzle money, be a little bit creative about it. If you withdraw millions of dollars from a group investment account, deposit it into your personal account, and leave town, you have essentially confessed to the crime. That you fled town but not the country just means that you’re doubly stupid. (Running off to the next county over is hardly out of reach of the legal system.) The fool has about 10 people (including me) suing him, and the police are involved. :mad:

We’ve been trying to schedule the last bit of landscaping at our house for months but can never coordinate our schedules with the landscaper. That has to sync up at some point – hopefully, by the end of May. On one side of our house, Lan has several raised veggie beds that have been noticed by the local deer. Now my wife is torn because she likes deer but doesn't want to share her food with them. Actually, there's very little sharing; they are eating nearly everything. :LOL:

My Mom has been acting up regularly the last couple of weeks at her memory care community. She will never be satisfied with anything and refuses to realize just how good she has it. All her needs are provided, and she has no alternative accommodation-wise. She has long since been unable to take care of herself. Yet lately she has been very combative with the staff and other residents. I visit her weekly, and more than that the last month. I can reason with her at the time of my visit, but with her lack of memory she goes right back to the ridiculous behavior in no time. It’s as if there is no point in me visiting with her anymore. 😩

My two brothers, who I’ve provided personal and business finance advice to in recent years, had dug themselves out of the debt hole. Well, now they are right back where they were a couple of years ago – behind on their income and property taxes, massive new car payments, and tens of thousands in high interest credit card debt. The idea of having any of those burdens makes me nauseous. All self-inflicted. Stupid! 🤦‍♂️

I have six nieces and nephews, and I have offered to help pay for their college. Three will start college this Fall and the other three are still a few years away. I have been investing money monthly for this effort for a couple of years. I want to be generous but not so much that I encourage bad behavior. I want to help pay for tuition and the like, not alcohol and other stupidity. 🙏

Had I known April was going to be such a busy month, I would have cancelled my DC trip earlier this week. I am a George Washinton Univ alum, and when I still lived in the area, I would regularly meet with old colleagues and be a guest lecturer in an economics course for their “government in economics” topic. I would talk about the government’s influence on markets and the effect of deficits, unintended consequences, opportunity costs, etc. on the economy. My trip this time had the bonus of wading through all the pro-Palestinian protesters. It’s really just a catch-all for a grievance against everything (the US, the West, capitalism, patriarchy, white privilege, etc.). It’s one big snowflake meltdown. These dumb kids (or, more accurately, their parents or taxpayers) sure do spend a lot of money on childish and profane behavior. I guess they should enjoy their bubble while they can. Hopefully, they’ll smarten up before venturing out into reality. Or don’t smarten up; I don’t care. All I know is that my daughter will not have to compete with these privileged knuckleheads in the job market.

So, I hope to get all caught up soon. Because in a month, the family will be spending three weeks in Vietnam. We’ve almost got everything planned out and booked. I think the only thing of substance to get are our visas. Should have those is a few days.

So, you guys busy? What is this “sleep” I keep hearing about?
You will "hate me." Other than playing golf 2x per week and going to church on Sunday -- occasionally teaching SS -- I have no weekly demands. I work out daily now and have regained/improved my strength from before the Myeloma diagnosis and treatments, I had a neurologist read an MRI I did for a MUSC study -- he assured me I do not have either Alzheimers or Parkinsons. I do have a slight essential tremor which can be controlled by a slight increase in my Metoprolol dosage.

I have branched out in my reading -- The Codebreakers by Walter Issacson (on Crisper and genetic editing) is fascinating. Wow -- I wish I were 18 and could go into this field. I may start a thread that deals with the ethical ramifications of what we can already do -- alter the genes of a human embryo.

Warmer weather is coming and soon we'll be going to the beach...We rarely eat out as the prices have doubled here in Chucktown. 1x per week max and usually that only with discounts.

No, I'm not rolling in the dough...but we have no debt other than a car loan @ 2.7%...Unless the USA/World has a complete economic meltdown we are secure. We are probably "happier" and more content than at any time in our lives...I realize that "disaster" could be just around the corner...but for the time being I choose contentment and joy at being alive and all the "blessings" I have....

Thanks for sharing what's going on with you...I would love to hear a diary from Vietnam complete with pictures.
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Hall of Fame
Aug 22, 2001
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
Congrats, Bodhi!

Get the right people to do the job is the key there. Easier sounding than done, I know.

Keep chargin', my brother! ;)
Much appreciated! My wife and I are aggressively modifying (diversifying) and adding to our real estate rental portfolio. The hunting for properties is fun, but the going through the closing process is annoying. No other way around it though. And, yes, getting the right people to do the work is key. I think I've got a guy lined up based on recommendations from people I trust.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
No envy. :giggle:

An average work week for me is about 25 hours now - I worked hard for a long time to get to this point. Yes, I could make more if I billed 40+ hours/week as I used to but life is so much more enjoyable now without all the hectic business / busyness.

Thanks for the update, but don't busy yourself to death, Bodhi!
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Hall of Fame
Aug 22, 2001
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
You will "hate me." Other than playing golf 2x per week and going to church on Sunday -- occasionally teaching SS -- I have no weekly demands. I work out daily now and have regained/improved my strength from before the Myeloma diagnosis and treatments, I had a neurologist read an MRI I did for a MUSC study -- he assured me I do not have either Alzheimers or Parkinsons. I do have a slight essential tremor which can be controlled by a slight increase in my Metoprolol dosage.

I have branched out in my reading -- The Codebreakers by Walter Issacson (on Crisper and genetic editing) is fascinating. Wow -- I wish I were 18 and could go into this field. I may start a thread that deals with the ethical ramifications of what we can already do -- alter the genes of a human embryo.

Warmer weather is coming and soon we'll be going to the beach...We rarely eat out as the prices have doubled here in Chucktown. 1x per week max and usually that only with discounts.

No, I'm not rolling in the dough...but we have no debt other than a car loan @ 2.7%...Unless the USA/World has a complete economic meltdown we are secure. We are probably "happier" and more content than at any time in our lives...I realize that "disaster" could be just around the corner...but for the time being I choose contentment and joy at being alive and all the "blessings" I have....

Thanks for sharing what's going on with you...I would love to hear a diary from Vietnam complete with pictures.
Enjoy everything you've worked so hard for, Padre!

My wife and I have been going full bore on our investments in real estate and equities the last few years. While our retirement plan is ever-evolving, this is the thought as of today. I'm planning to retire in about four years, after I hit 20 years of government service. (Lily will be done with college about that time.) My wife is in the process of transitioning to being a traveler nurse (CRNA). We once planned on traveling the country wherever her three-month contracts would take her. But now we like better the idea of living abroad several months a year. So, she will just not work for a time, and we will go live in Thailand for three months. From that base, we will travel throughout SE Asia. We have enough passive income lined up, and Thailand is so cheap, that we could live like kings there 20 times over. We won't live like kings, though. We will live comfortably and do a lot of traveling, but we will not waste our money. We've worked too hard for it.

After a few years, maybe we'll set up shop for several months a year in some quite place in Europe and use that as a base to travel the continent. And then after that we'll focus on Latin America. All of this is subject to change, of course. But I'm definitely looking forward to my retirement and my wife's semi-retirement.

Between now and then we are planning bigger vacations. Next year we are trying to travel to Kenya and Thailand. Lan also wants to do more medical missions with Lily, so we'll see how quickly we can get these plans on the calendar. Like with the rest of life, these are a work in progress. ❤


Hall of Fame
Feb 12, 2001
Charleston, South Carolina
Enjoy everything you've worked so hard for, Padre!

My wife and I have been going full bore on our investments in real estate and equities the last few years. While our retirement plan is ever-evolving, this is the thought as of today. I'm planning to retire in about four years, after I hit 20 years of government service. (Lily will be done with college about that time.) My wife is in the process of transitioning to being a traveler nurse (CRNA). We once planned on traveling the country wherever her three-month contracts would take her. But now we like better the idea of living abroad several months a year. So, she will just not work for a time, and we will go live in Thailand for three months. From that base, we will travel throughout SE Asia. We have enough passive income lined up, and Thailand is so cheap, that we could live like kings there 20 times over. We won't live like kings, though. We will live comfortably and do a lot of traveling, but we will not waste our money. We've worked too hard for it.

After a few years, maybe we'll set up shop for several months a year in some quite place in Europe and use that as a base to travel the continent. And then after that we'll focus on Latin America. All of this is subject to change, of course. But I'm definitely looking forward to my retirement and my wife's semi-retirement.

Between now and then we are planning bigger vacations. Next year we are trying to travel to Kenya and Thailand. Lan also wants to do more medical missions with Lily, so we'll see how quickly we can get these plans on the calendar. Like with the rest of life, these are a work in progress. ❤
Sounds like a great plan to me...I've not been to SE Asia...but have been to Europe, Nigeria, Belize, Brazil and Cuba among others. If I had the funds I would live in Knokke Heist, Belgium. Beautiful ocean side city -- but property is very expensive. I'm so glad that you have definite plans...makes this stage of life much easier.
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