This is so shocking.
More regulations for thee, but not for me. Reminds me of the incident about 15 years ago when Nancy Pelosi, ever the champion of the little guy, exempted American Samoa from a federal minimum wage increase. Why? Because StarKist is based in her district, and StarKist has thousands of employees on the island. Government corruption stinks worse than the tuna.
ReasonWhen fast food restaurants across California have to start paying workers $20 per hour on April 1, one major chain will be exempted from the mandate—and it just so happens to have a connection to a longtime friend and donor to Gov. Gavin Newsom.
The deeper lesson is that giving the government more power to set wages (or regulate other aspects of the economy) creates the conditions for exactly this sort of thing to happen. It could be that a wealthy special interest used his connections to the governor to secure special treatment, or that a governor tried to help out his friend. Either way, it couldn't have happened without the government injecting itself into the relationship between workers and employers.
And the more the government does that, the more opportunities there will be for officials to reward their friends and punish their enemies. That's not fair, nor should it be desirable. Panera—or any business—shouldn't survive or fail in California because of its connections in the halls of power.
More regulations for thee, but not for me. Reminds me of the incident about 15 years ago when Nancy Pelosi, ever the champion of the little guy, exempted American Samoa from a federal minimum wage increase. Why? Because StarKist is based in her district, and StarKist has thousands of employees on the island. Government corruption stinks worse than the tuna.