We'll come to a point one day where we just let Artificial Intelligence do the final rankings instead of a committee. Except who will be putting what data into the AI?
Coming from someone that likes computer rankings and AI, I still think there should be a human element to the rankings. But I do think it should be more data driven, it's clear that some people can't wrap their heads around the fact that there are two super conference, one (weak) power conference, and the rest are group of what ever. They are still trying to treat wins and losses as being somewhat equitable. They're not.
Let's compare some computer composite rankings to the committee:
Committee Computer
Boise State:
10 31
11 5
Arizona St.:
15 25
The gaps shouldn't be
that substantial and it's interesting that they are really close in some cases, just lose all logic in other cases. Humans seem to have trouble understanding SoS, it's so simple that it's hard for me to understand why but even seemingly smart people get really derpy when it comes to SoS.