CECIL HURT: Saban remains consistent in dealing with players


1st Team
Jul 16, 2003
Montgomery, AL
I thought that Finebaum was pro-Alabama.
If you thought PF was pro-Alabama, then you haven't been listening to him very long. He's done nothing but bash Bama and the Bama adminstration for years. He tried to jump on the band wagon when CNS was hired. Everyone on this board has been waiting for PF to get back to his old ways of bashing everything Bama. Looks like he's back to his normal garbage.


1st Team
Aug 22, 2005
Birmingham, AL
I thought Finebaum was pro-Alabama. Guess not. It sounds like he'll bash Bammers and Barners both these days. He's saying that Saban isn't being strict enough and disciplining the players enough for all these arrests this summer. One caller yesterday was pretty hard on Saban saying he's not really "old school" like Bear was as far as discipline and so forth.
I think he tries to be both pro Bama and pro Aub at times - makes it much easier to do his job. Don't really care for a lot of his rants, how he handles callers at times, but I do thik he has some good info at times and some of the guests like Cecil are worth hearing. In this case he thinks NS should establish (for the media, fans, critics) his discipline policy, mostly in regards to how Shula's in-house policies played out. I am a huge FL fan but I think UM should be much more strict at times (and I realize that FL's incidents have been much worse). Agree or not I don't think he deserves the anti AL treatment everytime he brings up something other than AL is great... Everyone got on his case in previous years because he was not a Shula fan and because he aired his complaints about Shula's playcalling or discipline... In no way do I want to defend Finebaum or other media personalities but fans (of any school) need to get over it when someone in the media brings up something negative about a school. Sorry, dudefortide, not really directed at you - just got to typing and expanded beyond what I wanted to say.


Mar 22, 2001
I thought Finebaum was pro-Alabama. Guess not. It sounds like he'll bash Bammers and Barners both these days. He's saying that Saban isn't being strict enough and disciplining the players enough for all these arrests this summer. One caller yesterday was pretty hard on Saban saying he's not really "old school" like Bear was as far as discipline and so forth.
Somehow I don't believe that any players would have been "arrested" on Coach Bryant's watch. They would never have made it to the jail cell. Coach would have been waiting in the parking lot. They might have asked to go to jail, but I don't think they would have been locked up.


Dec 6, 2006
I thought that Finebaum was pro-Alabama. Is he a bad media radio host these days? He sure doesn't hesitate to criticize Saban. He might be criticizing Bama as much as Awburn this year it sounds like. Do you think Saban is going to try to root out Finebaum and get him taken off the air?
are you kidding. he has more to worry about than PF. Plus he has no power over a company as big as clear channel or whatever it is.

PF is just PF whatever news is happening. I think he is being fair, he said the same thing about last years coach. I think he probably said the same thing about that other coach and trey blackmon.

If we could refute what PF said in regards to disclipine then that would be one thing but as it stands......


Dec 6, 2006
Somehow I don't believe that any players would have been "arrested" on Coach Bryant's watch. They would never have made it to the jail cell. Coach would have been waiting in the parking lot. They might have asked to go to jail, but I don't think they would have been locked up.
I don't know if any players were arrested during that time (different society) but I am not sure the police would be as quick to arrest one of Bears players.

I don't think the police would want to anger The Bear


Apr 25, 2007
I don't know if any players were arrested during that time (different society) but I am not sure the police would be as quick to arrest one of Bears players.

I don't think the police would want to anger The Bear
I bet the cops probably called up Bear with the player sitting in the patrol car and asked him what they should do about it. It was probably like the Andy Griffith show back then. No pesky media, radio hosts or internet. Bear would probably have the player running stadium steps every day for a month like in that ESPN movie "The Junction Boys" or something ... or get his daddy to "take him to the woodshed" and all that.


Dec 18, 2002
Birmingham, AL
I think CNS likes Finebaum. If he doesn't like him, he at least trusts him. Back in 2002, when the rumor about Saban giving that hate speech about Alabama broke, Finebaum was the guy Saban chose for his only interview in the state . Then, when Saban was hired at UA, who was his first interview with? PF. Of course, it could just be that PF has the largest audience.


Dec 6, 2006
I bet the cops probably called up Bear with the player sitting in the patrol car and asked him what they should do about it. It was probably like the Andy Griffith show back then. No pesky media, radio hosts or internet. Bear would probably have the player running stadium steps every day for a month like in that ESPN movie "The Junction Boys" or something ... or get his daddy to "take him to the woodshed" and all that.
good point - Andy griffith analogy works for me - The internet is EVIL


Feb 14, 2007
Saban has handled this situation ideally. He showed respect fand support for the police and for the player. He also made it clear that the player was wrong, but that there are degrees of wrong. He made the case that correction of the behavior is the goal not punishment.

CNS's handling of discipline is clearly superior to Shula's mishandling who showed no purpose but to least affect the playing rotation's effect on the season.

Again CNS shows why he is the best; any who are truly objective had to be pleased beyond what they could have hoped.


Jul 23, 2007
Finebaum was saying that Saban was supposed to be a big disciplinarian based on his reputation but so far he hasn't been much of one. He said he thought Saban was going to come to Alabama and "clean house" and get rid of all the bad apples and all that.

Actually, this is something of a misnomer. Saban was never known as a great disciplinarian at LSU. He just recruited high character kids. Once Saban's recruits start coming in, things will turn around. Saban is known as a disciplinarian because he yells and screams a lot. But, he is also known for wanting to give second chances and caring about kids that have issues (see Damien James situation). He really did not seem that hard to me.

LSU won the NC in 2003 because of players like Marcus Spears, Michael Clayton, Chad Lavalais, Marquise Hill, Corey Webster, and Kyle Williams. They had high character players who led by example. It was the only year that the team really came together and it made a difference. It will probably take a while for Saban to build that at Alabama (took 4 years at LSU). But, once he does, it is really positive.


Hall of Fame
Jul 9, 2006
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Actually, this is something of a misnomer. Saban was never known as a great disciplinarian at LSU. He just recruited high character kids. Once Saban's recruits start coming in, things will turn around. Saban is known as a disciplinarian because he yells and screams a lot. But, he is also known for wanting to give second chances and caring about kids that have issues (see Damien James situation). He really did not seem that hard to me.

LSU won the NC in 2003 because of players like Marcus Spears, Michael Clayton, Chad Lavalais, Marquise Hill, Corey Webster, and Kyle Williams. They had high character players who led by example. It was the only year that the team really came together and it made a difference. It will probably take a while for Saban to build that at Alabama (took 4 years at LSU). But, once he does, it is really positive.
I thought Saban was hired post 99 season? So wouldnt that make it three? I'm not positive on my facts and you would know more about it than i would...i believe i was in the 5th grade in 99.


Jul 23, 2007
I thought Saban was hired post 99 season? So wouldnt that make it three? I'm not positive on my facts and you would know more about it than i would...i believe i was in the 5th grade in 99.

2000, 2001, 2002, 2003: 4 years.

Even though the team won the SEC in 2001, they did so with DiNardo's players and a 5-3 SEC record and 8-3 overall record after Bama beat Auburn to help us back into the SEC Championship game (thanks Bama). LSU came on late in the season and beat an overrated Tennessee team for the SEC and destoyed Illinois in the Sugar Bowl. The offense was on fire at the end of that year. However, the team did not really click until 2003, 4 years into Saban's tenure when all of his players were in place.


Dec 6, 2006
CNS's handling of discipline is clearly superior to Shula's mishandling who showed no purpose but to least affect the playing rotation's effect on the season.
Again CNS shows why he is the best; any who are truly objective had to be pleased beyond what they could have hoped.
Explain why you think Saban has done a better of handling this sitaution than Shula did last year. I don't know I have not heard what Saban has done about it so please share that with us. I am not questioning what Saban is doing cause I have no clue how he is handling the discipline so please enlighten

I would like to be pleased so tell us how he handled it..? Did he handle teh first 'event' and if so why did it happen again...?


Super Moderator
Jan 9, 2005
Northport, AL
Explain why you think Saban has done a better of handling this sitaution than Shula did last year. I don't know I have not heard what Saban has done about it so please share that with us. I am not questioning what Saban is doing cause I have no clue how he is handling the discipline so please enlighten

I would like to be pleased so tell us how he handled it..? Did he handle teh first 'event' and if so why did it happen again...?
Guys... let's not rehash the whole Shula disciplinary practice as compared to Saban's policies. For the most part, the public has no idea how Saban takes care of it... and it needs to stay that way.

Any way you cut it, there are going to be disciplinary problems on a football team... no matter how loosely/strongly it is punished. That's just something that goes along with working with 18-23 year-old guys who are molding into manhood. Thus, the idea that says "it happened again means coached didn't take care of a first situation" is bogus.


Dec 6, 2006
Guys... let's not rehash the whole Shula disciplinary practice as compared to Saban's policies. For the most part, the public has no idea how Saban takes care of it... and it needs to stay that way.

Any way you cut it, there are going to be disciplinary problems on a football team... no matter how loosely/strongly it is punished. That's just something that goes along with working with 18-23 year-old guys who are molding into manhood. Thus, the idea that says "it happened again means coached didn't take care of a first situation" is bogus.
When the poster said:
CNS's handling of discipline is clearly superior to Shula's mishandling who showed no purpose but to least affect the playing rotation's effect on the season.
Again CNS shows why he is the best; any who are truly objective had to be pleased beyond what they could have hoped.

I merely asked what did Saban do that was better than the previous coach. Since I have not heard what measures Saban has taken in this instance and apparently the poster has I wanted to know.

I am not questioning Saban at all - I am questioning the poster and what he knows that indicates Saban is doing a superior job of handling discipline.

I have not heard or seen anything that would indicate that - So I would feel better about the whole ordeal if the poster would explain the details that prompted him to make that statement. Not pot stirring in the least.


Super Moderator
Jan 9, 2005
Northport, AL
I merely asked what did Saban do that was better than the previous coach. Since I have not heard what measures Saban has taken in this instance and apparently the poster has I wanted to know.

I am not questioning Saban at all - I am questioning the poster and what he knows that indicates Saban is doing a superior job of handling discipline.
I realized what you were asking... and I also know that very few people know exactly what is being done with regards to these two situations "in house"... and personally, I want it to stay there. Regarding what Saban is doing about the situations, ANYTHING with purpose beats what Shula did... and there's no doubt that Saban disciplines with a goal in mind. Disagree with his methods, lack of publicity, etc... but he's doing it his way for a reason. Case closed.


Hall of Fame
Jul 9, 2006
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
2000, 2001, 2002, 2003: 4 years.

Even though the team won the SEC in 2001, they did so with DiNardo's players and a 5-3 SEC record and 8-3 overall record after Bama beat Auburn to help us back into the SEC Championship game (thanks Bama). LSU came on late in the season and beat an overrated Tennessee team for the SEC and destoyed Illinois in the Sugar Bowl. The offense was on fire at the end of that year. However, the team did not really click until 2003, 4 years into Saban's tenure when all of his players were in place.
Oh okay i see, thanks for the info, :)


Feb 14, 2007
When the poster said:
CNS's handling of discipline is clearly superior to Shula's mishandling who showed no purpose but to least affect the playing rotation's effect on the season.
Again CNS shows why he is the best; any who are truly objective had to be pleased beyond what they could have hoped.

I merely asked what did Saban do that was better than the previous coach. Since I have not heard what measures Saban has taken in this instance and apparently the poster has I wanted to know.

I am not questioning Saban at all - I am questioning the poster and what he knows that indicates Saban is doing a superior job of handling discipline.

I have not heard or seen anything that would indicate that - So I would feel better about the whole ordeal if the poster would explain the details that prompted him to make that statement. Not pot stirring in the least.
I'm going to honor the mod's request and not directly compare the two. Let me just say that Saban addressed the matter headon in a manner that any objective and analytical observer would applaud. He acknowledged the wrong and supported the PD and player as he should have. What more could he have done ? As far as the punishment: no we don't know what it is. That is no his, and many other coaches', policy.


Hall of Fame
Sep 20, 2005
So far consistency pretty much equals "no comment" but I am probably missing something. Regardless, he is coach and what he says goes. For the sake of discussion on a board such as this though it would seem pretty tough to judge how CNS is doing re: discipline since we really have no idea. Except for a few insiders apparently.

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