If one steps back and considers the circumstances that the US finds itself in in terms of our growing nationa debt when compared to Germany, incompetent governance at all levels, a health care system that cost double that of countries with similar levels of care, a retirement system that is virtually unfunded for future retirees, the hollowing out of our industrial base and middle class due largely to our trade policies vis-à-vis Japan, China and South Korea, etc. Our failures to create an alliance that dealt effectively with the Syrian Civil war and the immigration crisis that largely fell on Europe. On an on ad naseum!
We may be a bit more circumspect in our criticism of other governments failures.
I get glass houses and all that, but if you compare the situation Merkela inherited in 2005 and what she handed to her successor, the delta is really bad.
Germany had a relatively homogeneous population, the majority of which were smart, well-educated, and hard-working.
Germany got a substantial portion of her electricity from nuclear power plants that were run exceptionally well. Zero-carbon megawatt hours.
The federal government had a handle on debt.
Overall, she inherited a pretty good situation.
Then, she started the closure of nuclear power plants. She closed the carbon-free nuclear plants and now Germany gets 30% of her electricity from
coal. Well done, Angela!
She emphasized Russian natural gas (I get it, it was cheap) and ignored increasingly bad Russian nehavior to enable that trade.
She drastically cut defense expenditures (there were more soldiers stationed at Ft. Bragg than there were in the entire Bundeswehr.
Maybe worst of all, she threw open the door to Germany and said, "Anybody who wants to come to Germany, come on. We'll pay you, and you do not have to integrate into German society."
That caused budgetary pressure and societal problems. The attack this evening in Magdeburg is one of the results.
The Chinese trade issue is the result of a lot of neo-liberal hubris in the 1990s (so not originally her fault) that if we treated China like a normal country, they would act like a normal country. That has not panned out, so prudent heads of state were watching and challenging their assumptions.
In every major decision she made, she has screwed Germany. If I was a German, I'd be livid.