I heard a segment about this on NPR this week. What's unusual is the uniformity

| EarthSky

It's the babies.I heard a segment about this on NPR this week. What's unusual is the uniformity
| EarthSky
What if, out of the primordial soup, the Crimson Tide had become the 'Bama Narwhals?I'm all for Geeking Out.
...I'm gonna enjoy Geeking out on Science stuff.
Then Coach Saban would recruit the Narwhal with the biggest Tooth to play Defense. (Does size matter? It does if the other is much larger than you. We are still talking about Narwhal's right?)What if, out of the primordial soup, the Crimson Tide had become the 'Bama Narwhals?
Humans Know a Lot, This Author Concedes, and Most of It Is Useless
The book “If Nietzsche Were a Narwhal,” by Justin Gregg, contrasts human thought with animal intelligence. The people come up short.www.nytimes.com