Reminder: Cute Attempts to Circumvent Profanity Filters Are Treated As Profanity

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4Q Basket Case

FB|BB Moderator
Staff member
Nov 8, 2004
Hasn't come up as much as it used to, but members who should know better still occasionally post profanity.

Just a reminder: Cute attempts to circumvent the profanity filters with numbers and/or symbols are treated just as if you typed the word out.

To my mind, they're actually worse because the poster obviously knew the real word wasn't allowed (otherwise, why go to the trouble of carefully choosing symbols?), but tried to get away with it anyway.

Provided they're truly random symbols, -- e.g., *&%$()*&^, grawlixes are still OK.

If, however, the symbols are chosen to resemble the real letters, that doesn't apply.

4Q Basket Case

FB|BB Moderator
Staff member
Nov 8, 2004
I understand your intent, just don't turn into the thought police.
I'm not sure how banning profanity is anywhere in the universe of policing the expression of ideas.

Late Add: The way I see it, banning profanity polices one method in which ideas can be expressed. It doesn't in any way police which ideas are expressed.
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4Q Basket Case

FB|BB Moderator
Staff member
Nov 8, 2004
@4Q Basket Case Every time this reminder is posted, I always think back to “A Christmas Story” and what Ralphie said about his “old man” (played by Darren McGavin).

“I had heard that word at least ten times a day from my old man. He worked in profanity the way other artists might work in oils or clay. It was his true medium; a master.”

Used correctly, profanity can deliver a message that no amount of more civilized language can. Overused, it can become just crass noise. Mrs. Basket Case can tell you that I'm more profane than I should be at home.

My house, my rules. I say a lot stuff within the four walls, roof and floor of my home. But out of respect for others, I don't go out in public and spew profanity for everybody within earshot to endure -- most especially children.

TideFans is BamaNation's house. We're all part of a (mostly) genial family conclave. But the conclave is still at BN's house.

His house, his rules.

One of BamaNation's desires for the site is the absence of profanity. My job is to help him keep the site the way he wants it to be.


Hall of Fame
Aug 8, 2011
Birmingham, AL
As BamaNation, the site owner, has stated many times - this is a benevolent dictatorship.

IOW, you can like it or you can not like it. The rules will stand regardless.
If you ever asked my late father what he meant by our house being a benevolent dictatorship, his response was standard - “It means “because I said so” is reason enough.”


Mar 26, 2012
Used correctly, profanity can deliver a message that no amount of more civilized language can. Overused, it can become just crass noise.
I was going to post something similar. Major part of the draw to this site, for me at least, is strict adherence to no profanity. While profanity can be fun and cathartic, it can also distract from the point that is trying to be made.

It is not too hard or demanding to ask people to keep a civil tongue on this site.

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