Tennessee increasing ticket prices to pay players


Sep 24, 2015
The Arkansas A.D. is asking for 10,000 Hog fans to donate $100 a MONTH to their NIL collective. The average income in Arkansas is $58k a year before taxes. So he wants fans to pay players that make more than they do. And , then pay for the privilege to buy tickets + the price of tickets to watch a crap football team. This stuff is out of control.
Or; maybe he wants their help to keep his $1.5 million a year job??
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Aug 15, 2004
Where ever there's BBQ, Bourbon & Football
Wouldn't surprise me to see this added to other sports like basketball. At least for teams that are hot right now.
Honestly, in today's college landscape, it needs to be added to every sport. Schools have to ensure they aren't fully dependent on donors only. Adding a fee to ticket prices creates another revenue stream that can go to supplement the "kitty".


FB Moderator
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Aug 15, 2004
Where ever there's BBQ, Bourbon & Football
Sticky issue. We already pay taxes that go to the Universities and now you pay an extra tax to go to a 17 year old with no degree who makes more money per year than I do and I have a degree. Doesn't add up. I understand that you get what you pay for, but a line has to be drawn. Guess I'll just pay Hulu.
We make millionaires out of stupidity and foolishness. Have you seen the number of people hit it rich by doing or saying something utterly stupid on social media? That's what we do!

"Hawk-Too-ah"!!! :rolleyes:


Sep 2, 2004
We make millionaires out of stupidity and foolishness. Have you seen the number of people hit it rich by doing or saying something utterly stupid on social media? That's what we do!

"Hawk-Too-ah"!!! :rolleyes:
Playing by the rules, working hard for what you need, staying inside the lines, taking one for the team, etc. have always been for the little people, and for all of history.
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FB Moderator
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Aug 15, 2004
Where ever there's BBQ, Bourbon & Football
I guess I'm not the "norm".
Not to derail the thread but our society (maybe not you individually) worships entertainment, specifically sports entertainment. I won't go into all the details to show that but this element of our society isn't going to change, so rather than fight against the machine, it is something that we're just going to have to accept.

As it relates to college football, universities, their donors and fans are just going to have to accept it, get on board, or get left in the dust. It's CFB's new reality.
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1st Team
Apr 17, 2006
Not to derail the thread but our society (maybe not you individually) worships entertainment, specifically sports entertainment. I won't go into all the details to show that but this element of our society isn't going to change, so rather than fight against the machine, it is something that we're just going to have to accept.

As it relates to college football, universities, their donors and fans are just going to have to accept it, get on board, or get left in the dust. It's CFB's new reality.
This is the unfortunate truth. I'm just not sure how long it can sustain itself. I know I've lost almost all interest in a sport I used to cherish. But for every 1 person like me that is losing interest, there are probably 10 more gaining interest. It's just a new era.
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Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
Tennessee football accounted for $31.4 million in ticket sales in 2023, so this will (only?) add about $3 million to the 'talent fund'. Every little bit helps, but for an athletic department that cleared $75 million in profit in 2023 it seems like a bit of a slap-in-the-face to the average fan.
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Jun 29, 2023
Where the land meets the sky
Tennessee football accounted for $31.4 million in ticket sales in 2023, so this will (only?) add about $3 million to the 'talent fund'. Every little bit helps, but for an athletic department that cleared $75 million in profit in 2023 it seems like a bit of a slap-in-the-face to the average fan.
Not only that, they get 1.2 Billion in State Revenue (From Taxpayers) and received 332 Million in gifts to the school. Then of course you pay tuition and all of the fees that go along with that.

You can download "Rocky Top" from Itunes for $1.29 and sit at home and watch the game.

When I was a student at FSU they added on an athletic fee to our tuition to help build the stadium that they now have. It made a lot of folks mad!

4Q Basket Case

FB|BB Moderator
Staff member
Nov 8, 2004
Playing by the rules, working hard for what you need, staying inside the lines, taking one for the team, etc. have always been for the little people, and for all of history.
Admittedly off the topic of the arnge instituting a "talent fee." But I think the mindset you articulate is self-fulfilling. A change of mindset opens up a lot of stuff.

The little guys and girls can get rich (or at least financially independent) by doing exactly what you describe. They have to start early and keep on keeping on for 30 or so years no matter what the news or their friends or family members say.

It takes discipline, closed ears, and patience.

Visit the NSNP thread on Personal Finance:

Personal Finance - Financial Planning & Investing | TideFans.com

Truth: Even if you follow all the suggested strategies, life can still throw you knuckleballs and you never get rich or financially independent.

More Truth: If you weren't born into a trust fund or a family business, and you don't invent something or start your own business, and you don't win the lottery, and you don't follow the suggested strategies, there's a 100% chance you won't get rich or financially independent.

Nothing in this life is certain. But if you weren't otherwise lucky, maximize your chances of becoming financially independent by playing by the investing rules.

As Nick Saban said, "You will experience the temporary pain of discipline or the permanent pain of disappointment. Choose."
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