“We’ve got a special team - and we know it” - Nate Oats


Scout Team
Apr 7, 2023
Didn't think I could be more excited than last year but I am. Cannot wait to get into Coleman!! It's going to be tough choosing a favorite player this year, it might just be all of them.


Dec 13, 2017
Greenville, SC
Oats' comments are encouraging. We have the talent. We need to become a team.

Look no further than Kentucky under Calipari for an example of all the talent in the world every year, but trouble becoming a team.
Very different situations. All of Kentucky's talent were young guys. Those teams can't compete anymore. Bama is a different kind of animal. Bunch of older and proven guys.

This is the most talented roster in college basketball. And they are old and experienced and they have great attitudes. I believe this team is more talented than the last 2 championship teams at UCONN.

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