Worked in my motorcycle service bay all afternoon getting things back in order after a crazy last few months. Feels good to have that done so I can resume my wrenching activities!
Then came inside to whip up some Carnitas Quesadillas with caramelized onions...yum!
Flipped the tube on to "Shark Tank" - one of my fav. shows. I'm only posting this because they had a young kid (just graduated high school) who came up with a product that really impressed me. Ultimately he had two shark offers...and decided on Damon over Kevin.
It was a pretty cool episode because this kid really had his act together.....and his Mom was giving him a hand here and there. Family stuff always has a place in my heart.
The episode was from 2022 and looks like his business is still doing well.....
🍯Welcome to Sliimeyhoney’s official shop! We sell the highest quality, affordable slimes!🍯 All slimes are made with borax, glue, and scent. Please refrain from purchasing if allergic to any ingredients!😊 Thanks for stopping by! Show some love of your purchase on Instagram or tiktok by tagging...