I can't disagree; Trump has this thing locked up tight. And as I alluded to earlier in the thread, there's nothing anyone can do about it.
The Republican Party's rules around awarding delegates -- the highest total of votes gets all the delegates in a given state -- mean that Trump (or anyone else) could win 100% of the delegates with only 35% of the vote -- easily conceivably less than that.
There is a core of Trump supporters who would vote for him no matter if he were a convicted felon serving time in Leavenworth. I don't know the number, but I think it's enough to give him the nomination over a splintered Republican field.
The only way Trump doesn't get the Republican nomination is if a bunch of the field drops out and they all coalesce around one opposition candidate.
First, none of the others have sufficiently distinguished themselves. Haley a bit, but not enough. Second, politicos' egos being what they are, nobody will drop out until it's hopeless....by which time Trump will already have secured the nomination.
My four-part prediction:
- 2024 is Trump vs. Biden v2.
- Biden wins by a greater margin than he had in 2020.
- Kamala Harris is President no later than January 1, 2026. Could happen any number of ways. Biden could die. He could become even more obviously impaired than he is now. He could do the honorable thing and resign. Though such a thing would require honor in the first place, and that's in short supply anywhere these days.
- Not more than a month after Harris takes office, China and Russia (assuming Putin is still in power) lob conventional missiles at Taiwan and Poland, respectively. Xi and Putin back up, cross their arms, smirk, and ask, "Whaddaya got now, [insert pejorative term for woman]?"
Then it gets interesting.