Hamas attacks Israel - Part 2


TideFans Legend
Apr 26, 2008
South Alabama
That’s the past. You can’t go back. What do you do now?
Well the problem is that the past matters for the future.

Hamas is an idea. An idea that the PLO were cowards for allowing Israel to maintain their conquered and colonized lands. An idea that suggests Israel desires to continuously conquering the area until there is no Palestinian state. An idea that Israel seeks to conquer Jerusalem.

An idea is only as strong as its credibility and ability to influence. The problem is that Israel has this long history of taking more and more territory away from Palestine after each war, and Bibi’s administration has been extremely aggressive in its operations and posturing against the Palestinians. I mean the sanctions and blockade of Gaza creates just as many if not more freedom fighters as Hamas does with propaganda. So Israel has a huge amount of credit for creating their own problems.

Me personally I think they should kill the leaders behind the attack and pull out with what hostages that they can find. I think the only real solution to Hamas is to find a long term economic plan where Gaza can coexist with Israel and the West Bank. I know it’s pie in the sky kinda talk but unless your plan is ultimate annihilation… then what plan do you really see bearing any long term success in fighting Hamas? I mean the Americans fought a war for 20 years against the Taliban and lost it in 48 hrs. At some point you have to kill the idea without military domination.


Hall of Fame
Aug 14, 2002
Birmingham & Warner Robins
FYI, there's video footage circulating of first responders removing a child's body from the site of an Israeli bombing attack in Gaza. Regardless of your position on the conflict, you do NOT want to watch this video. Trust me.



Senior Administrator
Staff member
Oct 13, 1999
Huntsville, AL,USA
Well the problem is that the past matters for the future.

Hamas is an idea. An idea that the PLO were cowards for allowing Israel to maintain their conquered and colonized lands. An idea that suggests Israel desires to continuously conquering the area until there is no Palestinian state. An idea that Israel seeks to conquer Jerusalem.

An idea is only as strong as its credibility and ability to influence. The problem is that Israel has this long history of taking more and more territory away from Palestine after each war, and Bibi’s administration has been extremely aggressive in its operations and posturing against the Palestinians. I mean the sanctions and blockade of Gaza creates just as many if not more freedom fighters as Hamas does with propaganda. So Israel has a huge amount of credit for creating their own problems.

Me personally I think they should kill the leaders behind the attack and pull out with what hostages that they can find. I think the only real solution to Hamas is to find a long term economic plan where Gaza can coexist with Israel and the West Bank. I know it’s pie in the sky kinda talk but unless your plan is ultimate annihilation… then what plan do you really see bearing any long term success in fighting Hamas? I mean the Americans fought a war for 20 years against the Taliban and lost it in 48 hrs. At some point you have to kill the idea without military domination.
Bibi is fighting this war in order to stay in power and thus stay out of jail. Period. He has no post-war plan other than wistful thinking that the Palestinians will just disappear. He's even suggested other lands for them to migrate to. Ultimately, he will be questioned so much, his fragile coalition will fall apart and all which will be left will be the ruins of Gaza...


Oct 18, 2022
Bibi is fighting this war in order to stay in power and thus stay out of jail. Period. He has no post-war plan other than wistful thinking that the Palestinians will just disappear. He's even suggested other lands for them to migrate to. Ultimately, he will be questioned so much, his fragile coalition will fall apart and all which will be left will be the ruins of Gaza...
The way I understand the situation there is a war cabinet. It’s led by a unity government from multiple parties on both sides of the aisle. He’s the prime minister but all major political leaders are in agreement. Including Benny Gantz, the most likely replacement for Bibi. There doesn’t seem to be any daylight between the two of them on Hamas. Gantz wants to go into Rafah as well.



May 27, 2022

JERUSALEM — The Israeli military said Friday its troops in Gaza found the bodies of three Israeli hostages killed by Hamas during its Oct. 7 attack, including German-Israeli Shani Louk.

A photo of 22-year-old Shani’s twisted body in the back of a pickup truck ricocheted around the world and brought to light the scale of the militants’ attack on communities in southern Israel. The military identified the other two bodies as those of a 28-year-old woman, Amit Buskila, and a 56-year-old man, Itzhak Gelerenter.
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TideFans Legend
Oct 1, 2011
New Smyrna Beach, Florida
The hostages were found among civilians who knew exactly where they were and started shooting at the IDF during the operation.

5 American hostages still remain.......



TideFans Legend
Oct 19, 2001
Jacksonville, Md USA
WASHINGTON – Plagued by looting and weather-related problems, a high-profile $230 million pier that the Biden administration said would bring massive amounts of humanitarian aid into war-ravaged Gaza is shutting down after just two months.

"I do anticipate that in relatively short order, we will wind down pier operations," national security adviser Jake Sullivan said Thursday.

Sullivan suggested the temporary floating pier, built by the U.S., is no longer essential for Gaza's supply of food, water and other humanitarian aid because of key border crossings that have recently reopened during the Israel-Hamas war. The first shipments of humanitarian aid arrived at the pier May 17.

"The real issue right now is not about getting aid into Gaza. It's about getting aid around Gaza," Sullivan said.
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Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
Par for the course...

VIDEO: Free Palestine? I went to see ‘Palestine’… and almost didn’t make it out alive. After asking questions on the streets of Ramallah for less than an hour, a group of Palestinian men threatened to kill us if we didn’t delete our footage. This is what we were able to recover… Welcome to the WILD WEST BANK. If you want the world to know the TRUTH about what Israelis are dealing with every day, please repost and share this with EVERYONE you know.



Hall of Fame
Mar 15, 2003
Hooterville, Vir.
This is not good.
Palestinian homes were destroyed ‘for revenge,’ says Israeli soldier who served in Gaza
It is one thing to be really ticked off at Hamas about the horrific things they did on October 7th, but there is a slippery slope when soldiers start talking about violating the Law of armed Conflict, and even worse when commanders agree with them.
For one thing, it demoralizes your own troops to violate the LOAC with impunity. It also fuels the hatred on the other side.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
This is not good.
Palestinian homes were destroyed ‘for revenge,’ says Israeli soldier who served in Gaza
It is one thing to be really ticked off at Hamas about the horrific things they did on October 7th, but there is a slippery slope when soldiers start talking about violating the Law of armed Conflict, and even worse when commanders agree with them.
For one thing, it demoralizes your own troops to violate the LOAC with impunity. It also fuels the hatred on the other side.
Not suggesting this is okay, but war is hell.

IOW, I have a hard time getting upset about it.

Maybe don't target Israeli civilians for torture, rape, and murder then expect Israel to 'follow the rules'...


Hall of Fame
Mar 15, 2003
Hooterville, Vir.
Not suggesting this is okay, but war is hell.

IOW, I have a hard time getting upset about it.

Maybe don't target Israeli civilians for torture, rape, and murder then expect Israel to 'follow the rules'...
There is a procedure to follow for retaliation, I think.
Notify the offending party that they have violated the LOAC, and that your side will retaliate in a limited and reciprocal manner and once the retaliation is done, then your side will resume compliance with the LOAC unless the other side continues its violations.

Best example I can think of from history came near where I live. John Singleton Mosby's 34th Virginia Cavalry gave Sheridan's forces in the Shenandoah Valley fits, ambushing wagon trains, picking off isolated units and soldiers, etc. Sheridan had no answer. Out of frustration, when Custer captured six of Mosby's men (in uniform), he hanged them near Front Royal. He later hanged another. Mosby (having consulted his superiors) selected seven of Sheridan's men for execution. Five were eventually executed. (two eventually got away). Mosby communicated to Sheridan what he had done and why, and concluded: "Hereafter, any prisoners falling into my hands will be treated with the kindness due to their condition, unless some new act of barbarity shall compel me, reluctantly to adopt a line of policy repugnant to humanity.”

The murder of defenseless prisoners stopped.

Hamas may neither respect nor comply with LOAC, but retaliation needs to be limited and controlled or this will spiral out of control.
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