If it's not my money wasted I. Do. Not. Care.
How can you not see that your comparison is completely flawed?
It’s not your money once you’ve sent it to Uncle Sam. I understand why you would think it may be. In the private sector if you buy something you don’t like, you may have some recourse. We have almost no recourse with the IRS.
I’m dealing with them now and it’s totally frustrating. I paid my quarterly payroll taxes on time and paid them electronically. A few months later, I received a check from the IRS for the exact same amount. I deposited the check assuming soon I would get a letter from the IRS asking for the money back. As expected, I got the letter and they wanted a paltry penalty. I wrote a letter of objection and included with my new check, including the penalty. Thought it was done until a couple of weeks ago when I received another check from the IRS, again for the exact same amount.
Of course, payroll taxes consist mostly of taxes I withhold from my staff’s weekly checks. The office has to match SS and Medicare so the majority is my staff’s money. But they never even see the money. So is it theirs? They have no say on how the money is spent, so in reality, how is it their money.
Also, I never look at the money the office matches as anything other than the cost of doing business. If an employee is not worth their payroll plus what the business pays in the match, the business is losing money on that employee. IOW, the match is also paid by the employee, they just don’t recognize it.
So I understand why you think tax money you have paid you care about how it is spent, but care none for how I spend money for my business. Truth is, you have very little control of either making this an exercise in semantics. Waste is waste no matter where it happens.