I have colleagues who work at OSCE and they follow current events extremely closely. Not sure why the US ambassador would not be among those paying close attention. Weird.
Mark Galeotti was pondering Russia's ability to declare this a war and call up reserves, but (a) Russian reservists do not drill like American Guardsmen and Reservists do and (b) the equipment has been in storage since the 1970s, which means it was in storage in the 1990s, when everybody was cashing in on their positions in public service to sell stuff for personal profit, so reserve uniforms are probably in tatters, equipment has dry-rotted or is unserviceable, etc. If it was serviceable, it would have been sold long ago and the proceeds going into the commander's pocket.
I, however, am not one of those worried about Russia going beyond the borders of Ukraine, not for a long time. It is going to take a long time to rebuild the Russian army, but equipment-wise and psychologically.