drinking and driving policies are illegal in university owned vehicles and any vehicle. Reckless driving is illegal in a university owned vehicle and any vehicle.So you tell me:
What procedures did UGA have in place to keep her from having this car when she did?
Had this happened in the past (unauthorized use)?
How was the unauthorized use detected in the past if it happened?
Why wasn't the behavior corrected, if their was precedent?
If it had not happened before, what happened this time that broke the system?
Why was she under the impression she could have the car when she shouldn't if she thought there would be repercussions?
She was obviously "allowed" to have the car. She did have it after all.
What did UGA do to stop that from happening, if anything? Why didn't it work this time?
I feel confident both bama and Georgia enact employee handbooks and educational videos
A fix or solution would be gps trackers with speed monitoring on university owned vehicles
Also, alarms when vehicles are in use after houses and alarms when speeds greater than 80 mph exist.
Georgia not enacting that is honestly crazy to me. However, other schools also not Enacting that is slightly crazy to me as well